Monday, September 10, 2007

I was tagged - Thanks Stacy

Well, its been interesting to try to think of 8 interesting things about me. I will give it my best and then I will try to think of some of "my friends and family" that I can tag:)

1) I am from a very large family. 26 total kids, of which only 5 have passed away and two of those were infants and two were in the recent months. I am the oldest of the second litter. That is what one of my father's aunt used to say. One father - two mothers. I have 12 half sisters and 4 half brothers, (share same father) I am the oldest of 10, I have 5 living brothers, 3 sisters and 1 brother David that passed away as a baby. My father was much older than my mom and has been gone for a number of years now, my mom is still living.

2) My childhood growing up was very interesting. As the oldest there were many things expected of me, one that sticks with me is babysitting. I remember telling my mom and dad that I would babysit only if Randy was not in the house - why I don't remember but I used to lock him out. The other thing I remember was that the three oldest girls shared one bed. Also, I never knew that we did not have much money, I knew mom and dad loved us, we had plenty of food and clothes to wear. I don't remember going out to eat or much tv.

3) One of the things that used to bug me when I was in school was that I had a niece from my half sister that was my age and in the same grade as me and I remember her yelling down the hallway - Aunt Mary. I really did not like that at all.

4) Fun Grammie - When I first found out that I was going to be a grammie I wasn't to sure that I was ready for that. I knew that I did not want to be called Grandma or any names that would relate to an older grandmother. I had heard a speaker at our church talk about her grandchildren and she was a long distance grandmother and she said the one thing she wanted was for her children to remember her as a "Fun Grandmother". So I have made it a point to try to be a "Fun Grammie". I do that by trying to be involved in as much of their lives as possible and also since my oldest granddaughter was 9 months or so, I started having a grammie sleep over night. And now there are 4 that sleep over. The kids seem to ask quite often - is it Saturday or are we sleeping over tonight?

5) Cubbies - I have been teaching a Cubbies Class for many, many years. Cubbies is the 2 & 3 year old at our church. I teach them during the church service so that moms and dads can go to church and not worry about their kids. I really enjoy that age, they are little sponges - they not only learn songs and sing, they also learn Bible stories and verses. My youngest two twin granddaughter are in my class now.

6) My mom and I were pregnant at the same time. I was 19 and not sure how old my mom was but my oldest daughter and youngest brother are 6 months apart and my middle daughter is 7 months older than my youngest brother.

7) There are now 4 generations of girls in my family. We did have 5 and if you check my older post you will see a post of in Memory of Eveline Beaulieu. She was my grandmother and we had a Five generation picture taken when she was still with us. But we still have 4 Generations, with My mom, me, My oldest daughter and my oldest granddaughter.

8) My hairstyles - I have had many different hairstyles - long and straight, short and permed, short and styled, highlighted. I have very fine straight hair so it has been a challenged to find something that will work for me. I have found the short and styled works best. Maybe someday I will make a slide show of my different hairstyles.

Yeah - I made it now to see who I can tag! Linda - my cousin, Sue W - my cousin and I guess that's it for now.


Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

i thought you did a great job! even though i knew most of those, i'm sure many will find them interesting. i do think you should do a slideshow of your hairstyle too!

Sue said...

It's interesting hearing all these facts. I like hearing stories about back in the day. Okay, you tagged me, only I don't have a blog. I might have to hijack mom's. hmm.

J & S Bernard + One said...

i see you got tagged as well. i was not going to play but i see everyone else is following the rules:)

Joan said...

Very good job. I had forgotten that you were pregnant the same time as your Mom. very interest facts.

Linda said...

very interesting facts mary! These tags are so much fun to read about everybody :)