Saturday, November 24, 2007

Everyone is home!

I am so glad to have my three girls home, plus grandchildren. We are enjoying them very much! Since it is Thanksgiving week I thought I would post 5 things that I am thankful for, although I have much more but don't have the time to list them all. I have many things for which to be thankful but here are my tops.

1. My salvation - one day when I was a young girl during a meeting after school, our pastors wife, showed me how I could receive Jesus Christ has my saviour and know that when I die, I would have a home in heaven. One day I will not only get to meet Jesus but I also will get to be reunited with my dad and grandmother, Right now I can only imagine what that will be like but someday I will see them again!

2. My family - My husband, three girls, two sons (son-in-laws by marriage and by law sons by heart) and my 5 grandchildren.

3. My Mom and my dad, brothers and sisters and families, plus extended family.

4. My church family. Their love and support through the years is what a church family is all about.

5. Recently my oldest daughter and I have started back to the gym. We used to go to curves but they closed. I have enjoyed our time at the gym. going together and of course getting healthier! We actually have fun at the gym and we get some get away time doing something that is good for us! My request for my girls is not to wait until your almost 50 to get in shape!

Well that's my 5, I could go on and on but I won't. Not to long ago we were tagged by Stacy well this time I am tagging Stacy, Sarah, John Jessica, Aunt Joan, Joleene, and Sue but this is the catch ~ The theme is Thanksgiving and the five things I am most thankful for. I'll be waiting to see if you get your homework done!

Have a great week and enjoy your families! Plus give them lots of love, hugs and kisses!
PS Pictures to come soom

1 comment:

Linda said...

What a joy for you to have all your girls and grandchildren home for the holidays. It must of been wonderful to spend time with that new grandbaby of yours. I bet he's changed big time since you went down to see them. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! Lots of Love--Linda